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4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056
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Sunday Worship
Our community gathers for worship
in the sanctuary each Sunday morning
at 11:00 am
> more info

  Listen to sermons:
view our Sermon Archives page
Learning Weekday Groups      

Children's Creative Learning
> more info

Youth & Young Adults
more info

Presbyterian Women
PW Bible Study Circles meet for fellowship and Bible study once
a month. All women are invited.

> see more details on our PW Page
Presbyterian Men's
Weekly Fellowship:

Friday Book Group.

> more info
The PrimeTimers are a group of senior St. Philip members and friends who plan and participate in fellowship, mission, and educational events.
more info
Monthly Book Club
A monthly interest group for women who like to read books, socialize, and have a night out. > more info
> see upcoming listings
Monday Morning Saints meets
the 2nd Monday of each month.

> see more details on our PW Page
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Led by John Wurster. > more info
Sunday Adult Classes
Bible Study is an ongoing
and thorough investigation of the multi-dimensional Word of God.

more info

SPa is a discussion-based class
linking Scripture to life and culture.
> more info

Other Meetings
on Saturdays & Sundays

Church and Society regularly features speakers and presentations on a variety of contemporary and historical matters of faith and practice.
> see upcoming class listings
St. Philip Arts & Crafts Studio
is a place to create and to educate with shared tools and supplies.
> more info
The St. Philip Stitchers | Quilters create quilts for the pre-school children of House of Tiny Treasures.
more info
Sunday Afternoon
Sunday Circle meets the 3rd Sunday of each month.
> see more details on our PW Page
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St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056

Ph. (713) 622-4807


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