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Please email welcome@saintphilip.net for more information.


Ongoing adult classes meet on Sunday morning

Bible Study is an ongoing and thorough investigation of the multi-dimensional Word of God. We also consider the insights of other translations and scholars to deepen our understanding of God’s continuing message of faithfulness to His people. All are welcome.
Dining Room


Church and Society
regularly features speakers and presentations on a variety of contemporary and historical matters
of faith and practice. Classes meet 9:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m. with presentations in person and some by Zoom, projected in the classroom.
> see upcoming class listings
Education Wing/Sanctuary Building, Room 201


The St. Philip Stitchers | Quilters lovingly creates youth quilts for House of Tiny Treasures. The House of Tiny Treasures
is Houston’s first nationally accredited early childhood development center dedicated to serving homeless children
and families. Its mission is to provide comprehensive early care, education and therapeutic services to build stable, functional lives.
Upcoming meetings can be viewed on the > church calendar
For more details and info: please call (713) 622-4807
> see more details on our Mission Page
- 10:00 a.m. - Classrooms (older building) next to the Education Wing, Room 9



Presbyterian Women

All women of the church are invited to join any of the meetings of Presbyterian Women. If you are not a member of a circle, you are welcome to participate. Please email Lorrie: welcome@saintphilip.net.

Thursday Evening Circle | 1st Thursday of each month —7:00 p.m.
Monday Morning Saints | 2nd Monday of each month —10 a.m.
The Hallmark Circle | 2nd Wednesday of each month —1:30 p.m.
Sunday Circle | 3rd Sunday of each month —12:30 p.m.
One More Chance Study | 4th Sun
day of each month —10:00 a.m.

> see more details on our PW Page


Weekday educational opportunities include:

Led by John Wurster. Classes are held weekly.
- 9:30 a.m. & 3:30 p.m.


The Friday Men's Book Group, which meets weekly.
- 12 noon - Chuch Office Conference Room/Administrative Building

The PrimeTimers are a group of senior St. Philip members and friends who plan and participate in fellowship, mission, and educational events. Our group visits museums, attends dramatic and musical performances, and travels to interesting and historic sites in the state.

A monthly interest group for women who like to read books, socialize, and have a night out.
We meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at a member’s home. This self-led, interactive
group produces lively discussions and wonderful fellowship. > see upcoming class listings
For more information email Nina Lambright: nnl@lambrightlaw.com


St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807