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More about Mid-Week Worship
Wednesdays at 12 pm

Join us for worship each Wednesday at noon as we journey through the season of Lent. Guest preachers from across the area will lead us. Lunch will be available in the gathering area at 12:30.

Here’s the schedule for this year’s series:

  • March 12: Rev. Ryan Arnold, Austin Seminary;
  • March 19: Rev. Lynn Hargrove, General Presbyter of New Covenant Presybtery;
  • March 26: Rev. Laureen Suba, former St. Philip pastoral resident and pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Nacogdoches;
  • April 2: Becky Downs?, pastor of John Knox Presbyterian Church;
  • April 9: Jim Dement?, former St. Philip member and interim pastor of First Presbyterian Church in El Campo.

More about Lectio Divina
Guided by Keatan King
Mondays in Lent | 9-9:20am on Zoom

The ancient desert mystics believed that scripture was like a love letter written to us by God, and the meditative scriptural reflection known as Lectio Divina ("divine reading") assumes that God speaks to us intimately, God is already praying in us, and we'll experience a profound encounter with the heart of God, rather than an intellectual study of scripture. Keatan will guide the group through the four cycles of Lectio (read, reflect, respond, rest) every Monday morning at 9:00-9:20am for the season of Lent. To receive the Zoom link sent early Monday mornings, email Keatan at: keatan@saintphilip.net


St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807

Lent Calendar Email Keatan King to join and sign up for the Lectio Divina Prayer Group that meets on Mondays from 9 to 9:20 am at keatan@saintphiilip.net Click here to subscribe to daily e-votions from John Wurster or email him at john@saintphilip.net