Wrapping up a Great Year!
      a message from James Cooper      

The First Presbyterian School volunteers were a real pleasure to work with Thursday. Even though
they were returning to school for their Christmas party, they were focused and packaged 7,334 meals. Thanks to the 10 St. Philip volunteers who took off time from their holiday preparations to work with
this group.

The 2 communications (below) reflect the impression this mission has on our community
(and a bit beyond). Center for Student Mission made a very generous $500 gift to our satellite.
We will be seeing many CMS volunteers in March.

We will report the "pickle jar" numbers when available. Have a very meaningful Christmas and get ready
for a very energetic KAH New Year.

visit the Mission page for more information about Kids Against Hunger.

St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807