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28th Annual Duerr Lecture Series: February 23, 24, 25, 2025 at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Speaker:  Dr. Brian K. Blount.  The Kingdom of God. Registration Recommended.
  The full series will be in-person & live-streaming online.

Evening Lectures

Sunday | February 23
7:00 p.m.
(Sanctuary & Live-streamed)
The Kingdom of God: God's Future For Our Present

Monday | February 24
7:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall & Live-streamed)
Prophetic Roots of the Kingdom of God

Tuesday | February 25
7:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall & Live-streamed)
The Future Invades the Present:
Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

> Download the e-brochure.

Invite a friend to this spiritually rewarding event.
Child care is available for each lecture by calling
the church office (Ph. 713 622-4807).

All lectures are free and open to everyone.



Speaker for the 2025 Duerr Lecture Series
is Dr. Brian K. Blount

Speaker for the 28th Annual Duerr Lecture Series will be Dr. Brian K. Blount, President Emeritus of Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA and Charlotte, NC, New Testament Scholar, Author, and Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Dr. Blount holds degrees from the College of William and Mary (B.A.), Princeton Seminary (M.Div.), and Emory University (Ph.D.). He was William and Mary’s first African-American to receive membership in the Alpha Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. After receiving the M.Div. degree he served as pastor of the Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church in Newport News, VA, for six years. He returned to Princeton Seminary after earning his Ph.D. and served as the Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Interpretation for 15 years. In 2007 Dr. Blount was called to be President of Union Presbyterian Seminary and Professor of New Testament, remaining in that position until his retirement in 2023.

Professor Blount’s primary work has been in the Gospel of Mark, the Book of Revelation and in the area of cultural studies and hermeneutics. In addition to numerous articles and reviews he is the sole author of six books, two of which are Revelation: A Commentary in the New Testament Library Series (Westminster John Knox Press, 2009), and Invasion of the Dead: Reading Resurrection Through the Lens of Apocalyptic Eschatology (Westminster John Knox Press, 2014).

Brian Blount is married and lives in Richmond, VA. He and his wife, Sharon, have two adult children.


Dr. Blount will discuss what difference it makes to talk about The Kingdom of God in today's world. How do various Christian groups understand the Kingdom? What does our belief about the Kingdom mean for our actions as people working in and for that Kingdom? What does it mean in our time to enter the Kingdom of God? How does this prophetic understanding help us engage the Kingdom of God — not as a safe space in which we go to be saved — but as the rule of God that courses into our world and invites us to participate with it?

In his concluding lecture, Blount will make the case that the Kingdom of God is a future reality that comes at the end of time yet is inserted into our human present in Jesus. We see that future in Jesus's life and ministry and represent that future as his disciples.


2025 Recordings

Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 7 pm
The 28th Annual Duerr Lecture Series
Lecture 3 | The Future Invades the Present: Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

Dr. Brian K. Blount, Speaker

[ watch ]

Monday, February 24, 2025, 7 pm
The 28th Annual Duerr Lecture Series
Lecture 2 | Prophetic Roots of the Kingdom of God

Dr. Brian K. Blount, Speaker

> Download Lecture Two Outline.
> Download Lecture Scripture Assists.
[ watch ]

Sunday, February 23, 2025, 7 pm
The 28th Annual Duerr Lecture Series
Lecture 1 | The Kingdom of God: God's Future For Our Present

Dr. Brian K. Blount, Speaker

> Download Lecture One Outline.
[ watch ]

Sunday Worship | February 23, 2025
The 28th Annual Duerr Lecture Series
One Thing
Mark 10:17-31

Dr. Brian K. Blount, Speaker

pdf icon > view Sunday Bulletin
[ watch ]
    About the Duerr Lecture Series  

Challenging speakers are chosen from the fields of theology,
Bible, and preaching to inspire and equip congregants for deeper faith and service.
View | Download Previous Lectures
Podcast | Audio Version of Sunday Worship
2023 DLS 

Sunday Worship | Who Do You Say that I Am?
view Sunday Bulletin

Lecture 1 | The Church’s Historical Confession of Jesus Christ

Lecture 2 | Challenges to the Confession of Jesus Christ

Lecture 3 | The Emerging Confession of Jesus Christ

2023 DLS 

Sunday Worship | Leaves of Grass, Streams of
Righteousnesss, and the Kingdom of God in America

view Sunday Bulletin

Lecture 1 | Even Christianity Can Reap but Small Harvest

Lecture 2 | To "Tremble for my Country"

Lecture 3 | When the Church Seeks a More Perfect Union


St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807