Children's Sunday School |
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Nursery and Preschool (both available on Sundays) | |||||||||
Nursery | 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Infants and children through 4 years old are invited to our Nursery, well-staffed by professional childcare providers. Please find our Nursery in Room 100 of the Education Building along the Sunday School Classroom hallway on the first floor. An usher or a greeter will be happy to direct you there. The Nursery is available during both services for infants and children. |
Preschool – Godly Play Class | 9:45 a.m. Our Preschool (age 3 - 6) class uses a curriculum called "Godly Play", developed by Jerome Berryman in Houston and used in reformed churches all over the world. Godly Play encourages children to use multiple senses and the language of Christianity to express what they innately know about God.
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Elementary (Grade 1-5) (classes are held on Sundays) | ||||||||
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St. Philip Children's Music (held on Sundays) | ||||||||
All children age 5 and up | 9:45 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. Sunday School begins with music. Weekly meetings will consist of a variety of musical activities involving singing, movement, percussion, and more |
Why Should Children Learn Music? Countless studies have shown that kids who sing in choir or play a musical instrument do better in school. Besides being a great exercise for body, mind and spirit, music helps develop a child's confidence, coordination, communication skills, social skills, and many more. Plus, it's a lot of fun |
Sunday Worship and Children’s Chapel |
When children participate |
Opportunities abound for children and youth |
Infants and children through three years of age are invited to play in the Nursery at any time during both services! |
1st and 3rd (and an occasional 5th) Sundays of each month | 11:00 a.m. During 11:00 a.m. worship, children of pre-K age (age 4 as of September 1) through first grade are encouraged to worship with their families/parents in church. The bookshelf outside the sanctuary is stocked with Children’s Bibles, books, Children’s Bulletins and colored pencils. Families are welcomed to sit there with their children! Also, there are worship bags located in the Narthex. |
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month | 11:00 a.m. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, children/parents worship with their families at the beginning of the 11:00 a.m. service. Following the conversation with children, those in pre-K through first grade are invited to attend Children's Chapel with Pastor Omar and a parent helper. Parents, please meet your children at those pews following the postlude. |
Children's Chapel In the Children's Chapel, our young disciples learn the whos, whats , wheres, whens and whys of worship in the chapel, while also praying, seeing and hearing God's word at an age-appropriate level. Children return to join the congregation in the first few pews on the lectern side of the church for the last hymn. |
VBS | Vacation Bilble Saturday | ||||||||
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St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA |